SEA-90 Water Soluble Sea Solids
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SEA-90 Water Soluble Sea Solids
SEA-90. Full Spectrum Fertility. 100% Water Soluble Sea Solids. Includes Trace Elements. USDA NOP & OMRI Listed for Organic Production. Foliar Fertilizer & Soil Amendment. Livestock Feed Ingredient & Trace Element Mineral Salt.
- Created Annually from Fresh, Perfectly Balanced Sea Water Containing 80+ Minerals and Trace Elements.
- OMRI Listed for use in Certified Organic Crop Production as Fertilizer and Soil Amendment.
- For Gardening, Farming, Ranching & Hydroponics.
- Perfect for Production of All Fruits & Vegetables, Field Crops, Pasture Grass & Hay, Fruit & Nut Trees.
- Improve Compost and Compost Teas.
- Restore Nature's Full Spectrum of Minerals & Trace Elements.
- Provides Multiple Application Options: 1) Dissolve and Apply as Liquid Row Support and Foliar Spray; 2) Dissolve and Feed through Irrigation Systems and Hydroponically; 3) Broadcast and Till into Soil or Allow to Dissolve on Soil Surface; 4) Apply as Side Dressint to Row Crops.
SEA-90 is natural crystal from seawater. These pure simple salts are not refined, adulterated or processed in any way that alters their original nature. The crystal contain all elements found in seawater. Only a few gases and volatile elements are missing. All Minerals and Trace elements required to sustain biological life are present.
SEA-90 is unlike other fertilizers and animal mineral supplements. It is not a simple single-metal salt, such as sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, or calcium carbonate. SEA-90 is a balance blend of the sea's elements and nutrients, including the major minerals, minor minerals and trace elements -- even rare metals like silver, gold, platinum, and radium.
SEA-90 is 100% natural, water-soluble, non-synthetic mined mineral sea salt and listed by the USDA National Organic Program and Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in the production of organic food and fiber and as livestock trace mineral salt. SEA-90 quickly dissolves to disburse the sea's full spectrum of minerals and trace elements into the soil following a thorough rain or watering, and also dissolves easily for spraying or misting onto foliage and soil. SEA-90 can be offered free choice to livestock or mixed into feed and mineral mixes.
- Cattle & Livestock: Offer free choice; Feed 2-3 ounces twice per day; Add 15 lb. per 100 lb of regular mineral supplement.
- Horses: 14 lbs per ton feed.
- Chickens: 10 lbs. per ton feed or Free Choice; Dissolve 1 lb in 100 gallons of drinking water.
- Foliar Application Rates Per Acre (Dissolve in Water): Continuous Pasture & Hay -- 5 lbs. per acre. Apply at green-up and after each cutting or rotation of cattle. 20 lbs. total per year. Row Crops -- 3.5 lbs. per acre. Apply 6 times during growing season. 21 lbs. total per year. Liquid Row Support -- 6 lbs. per acre. Add to current mix at time of planting. Small Fruits & Tree Fruits -- 3.5 lbs per acre. Apply 8 times during growing season. 24 lbs per acre per year.
- Foliar Application Instructions: Mix with adequate water to completely dissolve and filter if necessary. Apply 3 to 5 lbs. SEA-90 per acre depending on crop in 10-20 gallons water 4 to 6 times during growing season. Avoid over-spraying at end of row as this may cause tip burn! Do not exceed 21 lbs. per acre per year!
- Additional Applications: Potting Soil -- Use one tablespoon SEA-90 in three gallons of soil mix. Compost -- Mix 3 lbs SEA-90 per 2000 lbs compost (or 4 ozs. per 9 cubic feet.) Sprinkle between 12-inch layers, or dissolve one lb. SEA-90 per 5 gallons water and spray on each layer. Compost Tea -- Mix one lb. SEA-90 per 100 gallons (one teaspoon per gallon) before aeration. Add 2 lbs SEA-90 per 100 gallons at time of application.
- Nutrient Solutions: Garden, Houseplants, Hydroponics, Wheat Grass & Nursery Stock: Use one teaspoon SEA-90 per gallon nutrient solution, or one lb. SEA-90 per 100 gallons for larger scale applications. Spray every 7-10 days. Add fish emulsion and/or humate and surfactant to lower pH, improve absorption, and provide nitrogen. Add nitrogen source.
- Apply only as directed!