The Longevity Solution
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The Longevity Solution
The Longevity Solution, by Dr. Cass Ingram. Compelling proof than royal jelly has the power to eliminate fatigue, provide greater energy and extend life.
Finally, a book that explains the incredible powers of royal jelly based upon modern science.
Dr. Ingram provides compelling proof that royal jelly has the power to give you: greater energy, better mood, stronger muscles, a longer, healthier life. Research proves that royal jelly can: reverse stress, build a more beautiful physique, decrease pain, increase mental powers.
Special section on honey and bee propolis.
About the Author: Dr. Cass Ingram, physician and author of 14 books, is one of the world's premier authorities on natural medicines. A popular media personality, he has appeared on over 3,000 radio and TV interviews. His latest books include The Cure is in the Cupboard, Lifesaving Cures, and How to Eat Right and Live Longer.
- 136 pages. Includes index and bibliography.