Azure's Subscription to Publications
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Azure's Subscription to Publications
Don't miss another sale flyer or catalog again!
Now you can subscribe to Azure's publications!
At last you won't have to worry about ordering in the right month in order to get a Sale Flyer in your order; and you won't have to wonder if you are ordering out of the most up-to-date catalog! Now you can have our Sale Flyers and Catalog delivered right to your mail box hot off the press! And as an extra bonus, you'll receive the Extra Info Booklet and Treasured Recipe Collection at regular intervals during the year. Twelve publications in all!
4 SEASONAL PRODUCT CATALOGS (CT001): Published once each season (spring, summer, fall, & winter) these catalogs contain new products, updated pricing, policies, and order forms.
6 BIMONTHLY SALE FLYERS (CT005): Published every other month, these flyers list all the items that are on sale for the given months, plus new products, an informative article, product information, fresh produce lists, announcements, and extra order forms.
EXTRA INFO BOOKLET (CT009): Contains reprints of the informative articles which have appeared in our Sale Flyers. The Extra Info you've been asking for!
TREASURED RECIPE COLLECTION (CT017): Now with photographs! A collection of recipes submitted by you, our customers. These are "tried-and-true" recipes from real people in active kitchens who are interested in good health like you are. Most of the ingredients for the recipes can be found right here at Azure!
Mailing Schedule
Month Publication to be Mailed
January February/March Sale Flyer
February Treasured Recipe Collection
March April/May Sale Flyer and Spring Catalog
April *no publication mailed*
May June/July Sale Flyer
June Summer Catalog
July August/September Sale Flyer
August Extra Info Book
September October/November Sale Flyer and Fall Catalog
October *No Publication Mailed*
November December/January Sales Flyer
December Winter Catalog
December (separate mailing) Schedule of Deliveries